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Chemists Celebrate Earth Week!

Happy Chemists Celebrate Earth Week Milwaukee Section!

Chemists Celebrate Earth Week will be celebrated April 17-23, 2022 with the theme, “The Buzz About Bugs: Insect Chemistry.” The Journal of Chemical Education has organized a collection of resources for bringing ideas to students on chemistry, insects, and the natural world. By exploring our collection of articles and experiments, students can examine the properties of insects, explore insects and scent, experiment with natural products, and investigate insecticides and insect repellents. Explore chemistry at play in the world of insects today!
In addition, there are many fun, interactive and informative resources on the ACS CCEW website: ACS CCEW Resources

If you are looking for some ideas to plug into Earth Week activities locally, then here are some suggestions to connect with local organizations! When you attend an event, please consider posting a note to social media with #CCEW or #ACSMilwaukee. Happy Earth Week!

Carroll University – Shattuck Recital Hall
Thursday, April 21, 4:30-7
Documentary – What’s Your 2040?
Questions: Dr. Erin Taylor –
Carroll’s Sustainability Committee is hosting a showing of the documentary film “2040,” and a Q&A hosted by Good Harvest Assistant General Manager Nina Pagelsdorf and sustainability consultant for Edge Environment, Laura Loucks. The film imagines what the year 2040 could look like if we promote sustainable and environmentally-friendly practices. The documentary covers a range of topics including solar panels, regenerative ocean farming, smart cars, sustainable farming, women’s education and more.

Urban Ecology Center
Earth Week 2022 (
Earth Week at the Urban Ecology Center

Milwaukee Riverkeeper – Spring Cleanup

Spring Cleanup

Waukesha County – Retzer Nature Center

Earth Week at Retzer Nature Center

Waukesha County Parks Cleanup – Saturday, April 23

Mission Possible – Waukesha Country Parks Cleanup